B. Berish

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Whatever you want to B.

    B.Berish is a real person designing and making in the U.S.A. In the great tradition of American kitchen industrialists, we take B. is for Bold, to heart, As the designers and makers of many different products from handmade pillows, rustic camper style mugs, custom designed enamel pins, stationary as well as many types of jewelry and charms   We started from humble beginnings, to boldly step out into our journey. Take B.Berish along for yours.

    In addition to our own collections, we create custom merchandising programs for retailers, museums, historical societies, cultural organizations, educational institutions, civic organizations and businesses. Call us at 973.284.1240 or email us at sales@bberish.com

    Wholesale Pricing Now Available, on our new wholesale site bberish.faire.com

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